vor dem Deutschen Patent-
und Markenamt (DPMA) und dem Bundespatentgericht
European Patent Attorney:
Vertreter vor dem Europäischen
Patentamt (EPA) ==> für Europäische Patentanmeldungen;
European Trademark
Vertreter vor dem Harmonisierungsamt für den Binnenmarkt (HABM/OHIM)
==> für Gemeinschaftsmarken (EU-Marken) und
Gemeinschaftsgeschmacksmuster (EU-Muster).
Weiterhin vertretungsberechtigt für Verfahren vor dem
Patentanmeldungen (PCT), internationale Marken (IR-Marken nach dem MMA
und Protokoll), internationale Muster (HMA).
Under the
trademark PRIO we provide the following services:
We provide legal services, in particular using lawyers, notaries,
patent lawyers or tax advisors.
We also provide consultancy with regard to industrial property rights
and copyright, licensing of industrial property rights and copyright,
legal investigations such as research into industrial property rights,
management of industrial property rights and copyright, providing
information regarding legal affairs such as in the field of
franchising, using lawyers, notaries, patent lawyers or tax advisors.
We further provide information, platforms or portals on the Internet
such as in the field of legal consultancy, licensing, research,
management of property rights and providing of legal advice, all in the
field of industrial property rights, and patent agency services such as
creating graphical or electronic representations and drawings from
designs and models, in particular in the field of industrial property
We also provide training and tuition, in particular in legal affairs.
We also provide translation, in particular in the field of industrial
property rights; photography, in particular in the field of industrial
property rights.